
Another Side of Smile :):

Source: pixabay

By: Fika AJ

I am a shadow in the dark night
I am a light under the sun shines
I am a drop of water when the rain is pouring
I am the silence for the loud
I am nothing in everything

I am a spot in a line
I am a yarn in your sweater
I am the wind that drains your tears
I do exist, just never being noticed

And whenever you are hurt
Come and share with me
I'll take your pain
It's nothing to me
Since I am used to be with this thing

It's all right to cry in front of me
When you can't bear it anymore
It's the sign that you have feelings

Tell me what you've been passing through
If you no longer can keep it alone
You deserve to be listened to


Yet don't waste your time to listen to mine
A little space is more than enough
To cry behind your back
For I have my own pain
Am I too selfish to care with myself when noone does?

Indonesia, August 9, 2018
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Fika AJ

Blogger, Writer, Translator.

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